Identity & Affinity Resources

Designing your dream career means finding an employer that affirms and supports you along the way!

Below is a set of resources for first-generation students and for students of under-represented backgrounds.

Student Resources

First-Generation Students
First Tigers: The mission of First Tigers is to provide a supportive and welcoming community for first-generation college students and their families, a campus culture that recognizes and celebrates first-generation student identity as an asset.
America Needs You: This is an organization dedicated to providing resources to first-generation students. They offer opportunities for employer connections and they host a fellowship program.
I'm First: This is an online community where first-generation students can share their stories and learn from the experience of others who have gone through similar challenges.
BIPOC Students
Jopwell: This is a tech company committed to helping students build community, learn from experts, and apply for dream careers.
Eckford Virtual Mentorship Program: This is an organization that connects Black and Latin(x) students with mentors to support their career journey.
Management Leadership for Tomorrow: This organization offers a wide variety of career planning and preparation programs.
Equal Opportunity Publications: This organization publishes content designed to help job seekers from underrepresented backgrounds.
LGBTQAIP+ Students
Human Rights Campaign: HRC offers a set of workplace and career resources. Here you can find employers that are affirming and learn about non-discrimination policies.
Out & Equal: This organization provides various career related programs and learning opportunities.
Out Professionals: This is a networking organization for LGBTQ+ professionals.
Pride At Work: This organization works to advocate for workplace policies that are inclusive and affirming of LGBTQ+ professionals.
Students With Diverse Abilities
US Job Accommodation Network: This organization provides resources for professionals with diverse abilities. They also have developed content to help individual better understand their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
US Department of Labor Workforce Recruitment Program: This is a government program that helps connect employers with college graduates who have diverse abilities.
abilityJOBS: This is a job posting site dedicated entirely for employers to connect with professionals with diverse abilities.
Lime: This organization is working to offer programs and resources to professionals with diverse abilities.
International Students
US Citizenship & Immigration Services (F1/M1 Visas): This page provides a great deal of information on international student work options in the United States.
US Department of Labor H1B Program: The US H1B visa program allows graduates with needed skills and credentials to have temporary work assignments in the US. This site provides guidance on this program.
US H1B Employer Data Hub: This site allows you to search for employers that are currently employing people with H1B visas. This can give you an idea of what employers are open to this pathway.
Transitions Abroad: This site provides a wealth of information on working and living abroad.
Asian American Students

National Association of Asian American Professionals: NAAAP provides career resources and programs for Asian & Pacific Islander students in the United States.
Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership: This organization provides career development and leadership opportunities to students and working professionals.

Latin(x) Students

Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement: HACE provides a "University Leadership Network" to help students find careers, mentors, and support upon entering a new job.
Hispanic Latino Professional Association: HLPA offers a job board that sources positions from organizations that demonstrate a commitment to diversity and a commitment to supporting Latin(x) employees.
United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: This group provides a wide variety of events for networking and professional development.
Eckford Virtual Mentorship Program: This is an organization that connects Black and Latin(x) students with mentors to support their career journey.

General Diversity Resources

Seramount: This organization publishes research on commitment and action in supporting a diverse workforce. Their research can be a place to start in exploring potential employers.
Getting Hired: This website hosts a job board that focuses on employers who demonstrate that they value diversity.
DiversityInc: News articles focusing on diversity in the workplace and an online job board can be found on this site.
INROADS: This organization hosts an internship program that supports opportunities for underrepresented students.

If you are interested in learning about strategies that you can use to explore a potential employer's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, reach out to Career Services (downloadable guide coming soon).

Language Matters

Stomp the Seal GradsWe all grow up in a variety of contexts where various phrases and terms are used to communicate specific meanings. However, in the workplace we cannot assume that our colleagues or customers come from that same context. Therefore, words and phrases that have specific meanings for us could be offensive or disturbing for others. Additionally, language that we use unknowingly might have originated in the oppression of other people. To succeed in your first internship or career, it would be beneficial for you to review what inclusive language looks like and how to use it. Building strong relationships with coworkers can start by speaking to them with language that is affirming and respectful.

APA Bias-Free Language Guide: Many students at Wittenberg have been trained to write in APA style. Here is an interactive website from APA that lets you explore how to write (and speak) with a recognition of embedded bias in the language that you use.

GLAAD Media Reference Guide: This describes LGBTQ inclusive language and what terms you should stay away from.

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